Library Design that Awlaelo Schools Alumni Association determines to build in Wukro

Library Design that Awlaelo Schools Alumni Association determines to build in Wukro. Click on the following picture to view it clearly
Library Design that Awlaelo Schools Alumni Association determines to build in Wukro. Click on the following picture to view it clearly
Awlaelo schools Alumni association activities in 2008/2009 April 8, 2009 Wired $28,500.00 to finish Kiros alemayehu Memorial Library construction Wired $6,100.00 to support power installation in Negash High School Wired $600.00 each for Negash, ATSBI, Agulae, Tsigereda, and Freweini high schools and $1000.00 for Wuqro High School for Outstanding Student and Teachers’ awards – this…
Awlaelo Schools Alumni Association celebrated its 7th anniversary on June 19, 2010 in Seattle, WA. It was very successful event and unique in nature than any other events we had in the past. For those our members who missed this year’s reunion, you missed a lot. I warned you in advance not to miss the…
Awlaelo Schools Alumni Association celebrated its 7th anniversary on June 19, 2010 in Seattle, WA. Thanks to the commitment of our members and the thoughtful coordination of the Seattle Tigray Community, the event was very successful.