To All Members, Family, and Friends of Kilte-Awlaelo Schools Development Association:
Those of you who are planning to attend the event, please call comfort suites and reserve your hotel rooms as soon as possible.
The room price for our group is $70.00 plus tax per night. Each room has two queen size beds and additional room with queen size sofa bed. Each room can be used by two adults or a family with children for the same price. It is also possible the rooms to be shared by three adults for an addtional cost of $10.00. For those who do not want to share a room with others, a king size bed might be available.
Breakfast is included in all rooms. The members annual meeting will also take place in this hotel. The hotel is in a close distance to the place where we will hold our fund-raising event. There is a posibility that the rooms can be sold out if you delay making your reservation. Therefore, we encourage you to call the hotel and reserve your rooms as soon as possible. Here is the number and code to make you reservation: